Thursday, October 11, 2007

I have been calling to recieve catalogs from art supply companies and i am very happy with what i'm finding. There are great deals on some products if you buy in bulk (like art teachers must). Below are some of the numbers of art supply companies that will send art teachers free catalogs:
Utrecht (312) 922-7565
Blick (800) 447-8192
Nasco (800) 558-9595

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Art Books at Borders: Good Resources

I have found some great resources for art reproductions and information, in books sold at Borders. There are often art books on the sales shelves in Borders and the art books can sell for $20-$5 depending on what book it is. The World's Greatest Art collection is often on the shelf, this collection consists of many books and each sells for about $6. The topics of the books range from Folk Art, and Asian Art to Picasso and A History of Art. These books have great visuals and are easy to flip through and use. Each image is accompianied by a description and the medium and artist's name. These books are a wonderful resource and children can use them for basic research or just for a fun look through. Some of the titles are:
Asian Art, Folk Art, Picasso, A Brief History of Art, Art Nouveau, International Arts and Crafts, Dali, Modern Art, Art Deco, Bauhaus, Surrealism, and many more.